Hello everyone,
after moving to CCP1.1 and AUSST 3.0 I would like to know what the option:
"4. Migrate to an In-House Server" in the AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="" - command stands for?
In the documentation it is mentioned: "The details of these options are available earlier in the article." Unfortunatley I can't find anything about it.
Or does it just mean that I have to use this option if i wanna move my current update server to another one?
Another question that I have is about scheduling.
I've seen in the "new functions" the following,very interesting point:
"You can automate or schedule AUSST runs -- AUSST now includes options to run the command without any manual intervention at run time."
My question is: How can I do this?
I got the following system information for you:
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise SP 2
Everything set up working with AUSST 2.0 and AMEE 3.1
I hope anybody can help me with that.
If you need any additional information just let me know.
P.S.: It would be great if there is going to be a video about AUSST 3.0 by Karl Gibson, as I used his guide from AMEE 3.1 and now I've found his video about CCP.Great work!
Kind regards