I've used AAMEE to create deployable builds of CS5.5 Design Premium, Web Premium and Master Collection. They install fine, via DeployStudio, but I'm having major issues with the "exceptions" installs. Not a single one of the exceptions will install — the following is an example of the console log for the failed installation (in this example, trying to install the Dreamweaver Widgets Browser). Can anyone help? Trying to install on OS X 10.8.2.
2013-02-19 4:45:39.115 PM sudo[611]: admin : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/admin ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/admin/Desktop/PostImagingFiles-AdobeExceptions-CS55WP/AdobeD reamweaverWidgetsBrowser1.0-mul/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer -silent -eulaAccepted -programMenu WidgetBrowser.air
2013-02-19 4:45:39.250 PM Adobe AIR Installer[612]: Runtime Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
2013-02-19 4:45:39.250 PM Adobe AIR Installer[612]: Commandline is: -silent -eulaAccepted -programMenu WidgetBrowser.air
2013-02-19 4:45:39.250 PM Adobe AIR Installer[612]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
2013-02-19 4:45:39.315 PM Adobe AIR Installer[612]: Invoking Application Installer for combined install
2013-02-19 4:45:39.317 PM Adobe AIR Installer[612]: Launching subprocess with commandline /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/admin/Desktop/PostImagingFiles-AdobeExceptions-CS55WP/AdobeD reamweaverWidgetsBrowser1.0-mul/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/admin/Desktop/PostImagingFiles-AdobeExceptions-CS55WP/AdobeD reamweaverWidgetsBrowser1.0-mul/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/Frameworks" -silent -withRuntime -url -programMenu -eulaAccepted file:///Users/admin/WidgetBrowser.air
2013-02-19 4:45:39.451 PM Adobe AIR Application Installer[613]: Application Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
2013-02-19 4:45:39.452 PM Adobe AIR Application Installer[613]: Commandline is: -runtime "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/admin/Desktop/PostImagingFiles-AdobeExceptions-CS55WP/AdobeD reamweaverWidgetsBrowser1.0-mul/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/Frameworks" -silent -withRuntime -url -programMenu -eulaAccepted file:///Users/admin/WidgetBrowser.air
2013-02-19 4:45:39.452 PM Adobe AIR Application Installer[613]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
2013-02-19 4:45:39.768 PM Adobe AIR Application Installer[613]: Unpackaging file:///Users/admin/WidgetBrowser.air to /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/0/TemporaryIte ms/FlashTmp0
2013-02-19 4:45:39.771 PM Adobe AIR Application Installer[613]: Got an unexpected fatal error while unpackaging: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
2013-02-19 4:45:39.772 PM Adobe AIR Application Installer[613]: Application Installer end with exit code 7
2013-02-19 4:45:39.914 PM Adobe AIR Installer[612]: Subprocess app installer failed (7)
2013-02-19 4:45:39.916 PM Adobe AIR Installer[612]: Runtime Installer end with exit code 7