Hello Adobe Enterprise Deployment,
When do I install the PDF Settings CS6 that is given in the exceptions payload? I have the following in my ExceptionInfo.txt file
###################################### Command to install PDF Settings CS6 ######################################
msiexec.exe /i AdobePDFSettings11-mul.msi ADOBE_SETUP=1 /qn
###################################### Command to install Acrobat X Pro ######################################
msiexec.exe /p AcrobatUpd1011.msp /qn
From the Deployment Guide (http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/c reativesuite/pdfs/AdobeApplicationManagerEnterpriseEditionDeploymentGu ide_v3_0.pdf)
I need to install Acrobat before installing the rest of CS6 but i cannot find any discussion on the AdobePDFSettings11-mul.msi
So I'm guessing I do the following install order
1. uninstall previous versions of CS using http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs5-cleaner-tool-installation -problems.html
2. download and install AAMEE 3.0 on my Windows Server, http://www.adobe.com/devnet/creativesuite/enterprisedeployment.html
3. create an installation package using AAMEE 3.0, my Adobe ID and serial#. Note for ghosting/cloning I need to; a) create CS6 trial package b) create a serialization file
4. copy this package onto my client workstations
5. install AdobePDFSettings from the exceptions folder
6. install AcroPro.msi from the exceptions folder
7. install AcrobatUpd1011.msp from the exceptions folder
8. install Build\CS6MasterAll.msi (or whatever you named it using AAMEE 3.0)
9. install the rest of exception files
10. make a ghost image/clone of the workstation
11. deploy the ghost image
12. install the serialization file manually on each workstation
Is this the correct workflow/procedure?
Jeff Jensen