We're setting up our first batch of CC subscriptions for some new staff and to cater for some upgrades from CS5. However, we need to remain with CS6 likely for the rest of this year to maintain a consistent art pipeline.
If In understand correctly, I can use CCP to create and deploy only CC packages, while I need to use AAMEE to create the CS6 packages. Following: http://www.adobe.com/go/aamee_deploymentguide I created an unserialised, trial mode Flash Professional package and deployed this on a test system. At the same time, I invited a test user to our CC for Team subscription (under the VIP program) and assigned a live Flash Professional subscription to him.
The package deployed successfully (although it took an incredibly long time) and when started < i clicked the 'License this software' button. The user sioged in successfully with his newly created Adobe ID and was then asked for a serial number. Since this is a CC subscription, I don't have a serial number to give him. I had assumed that the adobe ID was now associated with the license and the serial number would not be required.
How do I get past this stage when deploying this package to users? Is there some undocumented option or modification I need to make to the package?