I'm on Macbook Pro running 10.8 w/ 12GB RAM. I created an installer package with everything in the CC as of 6/27/2013. The Package downloaded and is a little over 12 GB. I ran the installation and it hung up and failed after the instal estimation clock ran up to over an hour remaining. After retrying once I begain searching for the issue and found a thread here saying that CC Cleaner would do the trick. I manually uninstalled everything I had Adobe related (CS5.5 and CS6 collections) and then ran CC Cleaner. Same result. I've removed the entire App Support>Adobe folders from my user library and my system library as well. Still get the same result every time. Attached is a picture of where it hangs in the install, it reaches this point within a few seconds and then stays for over 30 minutes as the clock runs up before it fails. I cannot cancel this install without a force quit either.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I'm at the point of insanity.