I've created and recreated individual packages per application (Design & Web Premium) and one big package holding all applications.
Whenever I include the updates with the packages the installation fails.
On top of that I can't seem to be able to get the help function in any of the applications to work, I've tried downloading the PDF's through Adobe Help, but it won't show me the applications I have installed.
Any help is much appreciated,
After looking through the PDApp log I've found the following:
2/6/2013 14:50:41 [ERROR] PIM - Failed to create Backup folder :5
2/6/2013 14:50:41 [FATAL] PIM - Failed to create backup folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\CCM
2/6/2013 14:50:41 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - Z:\Projecten\Updates\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update 7\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx
2/6/2013 14:50:41 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing Z:\Projecten\Updates\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update 7\packages\CCM\CCM.pimx package.
Return Value of pim_installPackage = -5
2/6/2013 14:50:41 [FATAL] Setup - Error in pim_InstallPackages returned -5
2/6/2013 14:50:41 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
2/6/2013 14:50:42 [FATAL] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: -5
2/6/2013 14:50:42 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
2/6/2013 14:50:42 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
2/6/2013 14:50:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
2/6/2013 14:50:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
2/6/2013 14:50:42 [FATAL] DeploymentManager - The return code from the Bootstrapper Process is (1).Stopping the installation process.
2/6/2013 14:50:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - SelfUpdate Path - Z:\Projecten\Updates\Build\Patches\AdobeApplicationManager-1.0_update 7
2/6/2013 14:50:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - The install workflow is terminating.
But I can't find anything about this particular issue anywhere.
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