We are currently in the process of rolling out Adobe CS6 Master Collection to about 2000+ endpoints. Currently these machines are running CS5 and CS5.5 Master Collections. I have setup and tested an AUSST 2.0 server and created the override files for my computer (running CS6) it detected and downloaded the updates from our update server, but it requires me to run the "Updates..." from inside say Photoshop and once it goes to install the updates, elevate because of the UAC. Our users are not admins and we cannot be having our desktop support running around installing updates on 2000+ machines monthly. This is the reason that the CS6 install was created from AMMEE. So they can have as little touch time as possible. I wanted to see if there was a way to force the CS6 products to update themselves without user or admin interaction.
Currently my AdobeUpdateAdminPrefs.dat is set like this:
UpdaterPrefSchedCheckFreq 3
Automatic 3