Building a CS6 Production package using AMEE that I have used with other CS6 packages, I get this error message:
5/7/2013 16:37:17 [ERROR] AdobePackageBuilder - Failed to unzip the file (慰汹慯獤䅜潤敢汆獡ㅨ⸲ⴰ畭ㄲㄱ㈱㈲㜵㘱䅜獳瑥ㅳㅟ種灩) from the zip file (C:\Users\rolmstead\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\Install\FlashP ro12.0\12.0.2\
5/7/2013 16:37:17 [ERROR] AdobePackageBuilder - Failed to unzip the update - C:\Users\rolmstead\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\Install\FlashPr o12.0\12.0.2\
Not using any language besides English. I went to the file location and upzipped the update with 7Zip and tried running again. Deleted ALL files and download updates again with same result. 32-bit package worked without issue, 64-bit fails at this point, same soruce files/location etc..