Hi all,
I'm receiving the following errors in the RemoteUpdateManager log. I can't get this to clear up. Did a full re-sync of our Adobe Update Server twice, to be sure it wasn't a corrupted file or download at our end.
01/10/13 10:30:27:181 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | ##################################################
01/10/13 10:30:27:181 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | Launching the RemoteUpdateManager...
01/10/13 10:30:27:181 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | RemoteUpdateManager version is : (BuildVersion: 3.1; BuildDate: Tue Sep 04 2012 13:58:18 )
01/10/13 10:30:27:182 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | **************************************************
01/10/13 10:30:27:182 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | Initializing UpdaterCore Library...
01/10/13 10:30:27:348 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | UpdaterCore library initialized successfully.
01/10/13 10:30:27:348 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | **************************************************
01/10/13 10:30:27:348 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | Starting UpdaterCore CheckForUpdate...
01/10/13 10:30:27:911 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | CheckForUpdates completed successfully.
01/10/13 10:30:27:911 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | **************************************************
01/10/13 10:30:27:911 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | Starting UpdaterCore DownloadUpdates...
01/10/13 10:30:27:916 | [WARN] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | Update (AdobeDigitalPublishingCS6-2.0/ is not supported by RemoteUpdateManager. Skipping processing of this update.
01/10/13 10:30:27:916 | [WARN] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | No new applicable Updates. Seems like all products are up-to-date.
01/10/13 10:30:27:917 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | **************************************************
01/10/13 10:30:27:918 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | ##################################################
01/10/13 10:30:27:918 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | Ending the RemoteUpdateManager Return Code (0)
01/10/13 10:30:27:918 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | ##################################################
01/10/13 10:30:27:918 | [INFO] | | AAMEE | Utilities | RemoteUpdateManager | | | ##################################################
The AdobeDigitalPublishing update is the only one having issues. Anyone else seeing this? I've seen the AdobeDigitalPublishing updates get installed properly in the past using RUM.