Well, after at least six weeks of trying to script and package Acrobat XI via the CCP packager for enterprise (Windows 7 X64) I have learnt many home truths which I thought I would share with the unitiated. This process, from the point of view of an IT admin who has to mass deploy this application to 680 PC's as part of an updated SOE has been the most painful scripting process I have ever found of any package (we successfully deploy Office, and Autodesk apps!). Not only that, but our entire State technical colleges have all purchased the same version. This will be affecting IT staff across a huge area, perhaps worldwide. Below are some some facts relating to this that I will share so others do not have to trawl the minefiled of dead-ends and confusion that is Adobe forums/official documentation. Apologies for not finding direct links to all of the below just yet but I've run out of time as we now have MANUALLY install Acrobat XI on all of these machines. When I get time I will post some of the links:
- Acrobat XI and Lightroom are NOT "CC" packages. Therefore they rely on a spearate serial numbers to install standalone without another major Adobe product (eg Photoshop) to be installed and then run first. Otherwise they will run in trial mode. If your organistaion is wanting to install these products I highly recommend seeing if Adobe can provide you with these.
- Without the use of serial number for Acrobat XI this almost renders the Customisation Wizard effectively useless, none of the silent install switch will work with "Offline Exception"
- Yes, one Adobe employee notes that you must install a major package before Acrobat but as the aoplogies for not fixing this were posted last August, we are still in the quandry of not having any useable fix except for the ridiculous "Exceptions" file and Exceptions installer.
- If you run the Build and/or execeptions msi's it installs Acrobat twice, gold Adobe, gold.
- http://forums.adobe.com/message/6039529#6039529 - look at this for a working script for Photoshop etc, it's great.Thanks to http://forums.adobe.com/people/PetriRiihikallio for posting this. However, alas, it cannot silently install Acrobat correctly (thus far).
- It appears that the msi builder for CCP for enterprise is fatally flawed. I have never had as much problem with installing msi's - ever. For example, I have had to re-package the msi multiples times and many times simply running the msi will fail.
- The idea that all major installs have to install the 32 bit version AND the 64 bit version is riduclous, enough said.
- http://blogs.adobe.com/acrolaw/2013/02/acrobat-xi-deployment-guide-for-large-firms/ this guide may be useful for people who have been given a separate serial number.
- http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/known-issues-acrobat-xi-reader.html another useful link
I think for the time being I have now wasted enough time trying to tear my hair out with this. I will be waiting for Adobe to announce Acrobat and Lightroom CC. this will enable the correct deployment of a single app without having the bloat my SOE with unnecessary applications that most staff rarely use. Ahhh, I love a good manual install via VNC/RDP, don't you?